Since the recent launch of 3D photos, we’ve seen people and businesses embrace this new way of sharing with a fun, lifelike dimension in the News Feed—both on mobile and web—

Today, we’re taking a closer look at how it all works.

What is a 3D Image?

A 3D Photo or 3D Image is a relatively new technology that gives the appearance of depth to a normally static and flat photograph, with the background scrolling behind the user as they scroll, pan, or tilt the image.

How does a 3D Image work?

3D Images come to life via JavaScript, manipulating an image file with the use of another file called a depth map.

These files together act as layers and use the scrolling or mobile phone position to change the perspective of the image.

This function is called Parallax Mapping, and it requires two images and some frontend code combined; so you cannot 'save' and 'share' a 3D image as you normally would with traditional media.

What is a Depth Map?

A Depth Map is a gray-scale version of the original image used for mapping the perceived distance of elements in relation to each other.

A Depth Map is not simply just a Black and White version of the original image, it is an information file used for referencing.

Some models of phones have the ability to produce a Depth Map, using a dual camera setup, it is possible to capture both images at once.

Beautiful Moth_depth example sm.jpg

How do I get a Depth Map?

There are several way to produce a Depth Map. Newer phone models have the ability to create a Depth Map from an existing photo, or capture one alongside a new photo.

If you do not have a newer model phone, Depth Maps can be produced manually through the use of photo manipulation tools.

How do I take a 3D photo?

With IOS

  1. Launch the Facebook app from your Home screen.

  2. Tap "What's on your mind?" to post a new status.

  3. Tap "Add to your post" at the bottom of your screen.

  4. Tap "3D Photo". You might have to scroll for a second before you see it.

  5. Tap the Portrait Mode Photo you would like to turn into a 3D image.

  6. Tap Next when the image has finished rendering.

With Android

Download a 3D camera app.

  • PHEREO 360 PHOTO (free)

  • PANORAMA 360: VR PHOTOS (free)



  • FYUSE – 3D PHOTOS (free)

  • CANDY 360 SELFIE CAMERA (free)


  • 3D CAMERA (free)

  • PHOGY (free)

  • CAMERA 3D (free)

How do I make a 3D photo?

You can use Photoshop or any image editing tool that allows layer creation and gray scale color editing.

Image selection

The most important step is to choose the right image to transform. While it’s true that any 2D image can become 3D, some images work better than others.

Desirable images contain at least 3 layers of depth in its content: (1) a clear foreground, (2) middle ground, and (3) background.

Earth Juno.png

Layer Slicing

Focus on preparing the sliced layers of content using lasso, magic wand, or your favorite selection tool.

After you’ve sliced all your layers, the next step is to fill the color for each layer.

Earth Juno_depth MAP.png


Typically, parts of the Depth Map image that are white or light, are placed at the front, while darker portions are placed behind.

Color your layers by first starting from the foreground and moving backwards: move to the middle ground and then finally the background.


How can I see a 3D Image?

3D imaging technology is limited to operating systems that host it. Newer IOS and Android devices and Popular sites include Facebook and Google Maps all have this technology wired into them.

This imaging function is becoming wildly popular, so you may expect to see it more frequently and on more online platforms.

How can I share a 3D Image?

Currently, only Facebook supports sharing 3D photos:

On Mobile

Facebook will only use Portrait Mode photos for its 3D Photos option.

Portrait Mode is currently supported by the Camera app on iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and LG V35 ThinQ are expected to have facebook 3D photo functionality "soon"


Make sure your photo and depth map follow Facebook’s naming convention for 3D photos.

Give the depth map file the same file name as the original photo, with ‘_depth’ added (before any .jpeg or .png extension).

Upload the two files together as a single Facebook post, just as you would a normal selection of images.

Facebook will then detect the pair as a 3D photo and automatically combine them for you.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Why cant I view 3D images?

  • Your IOS may not be up to date, check for updates.

  • Your device may not support it, reference supported devices.

  • Your browser may not support it, check for updates, ensure plugins are up to date.

Why cant I post 3D images?

  • See above section “why cant I view 3D images”.

  • You have not liked Facebook360:

  • You are trying to upload 3D photos on mobile in a Landscape orientation.

Why do my 3D images show poorly?

  • Your Gray-Scaling is inaccurate.

  • Your Depth Map is inverted (Android).

  • Your Image and Depth Map are not the same size.

Further Reading and Attribution: